Stability Ball Exercises to Sculpt, Tone and Strengthen Your Core


7 Moves / 90 reps

Do 10 reps of each exercise w/ no break in between

Crunches on the Ball

  • Lie face up with middle of back on stability ball, knees bent, feet wider than hips distance, heels on floor, toes pointed to ceiling, fingertips on back of head with elbows back and pointed to the side
  • Contract abdominal muscles, flatten low back, keep neck and chin in a neutral position
  • Exhale & slowly lift shoulders up as high as you can shortening the torso then slowly lower shoulders back down to starting position
  • Continue until all reps are complete

Oblique Crunches on the Ball

  • Lie face up with middle of back on stability ball, knees bent, feet wider than hips distance, heels on floor, toes pointed to ceiling, fingertips on back of head with elbows back and pointed to the side
  • Contract abdominal muscles, flatten low back, keep neck and chin in a neutral position
  • Exhale & slowly lift shoulders up while twisting left shoulder toward right knee slowly lower back down – Exhale & slowly lift shoulders up while twisting right shoulder toward left knee slowly lower back down
  • Continue alternating sides until all reps are complete

Back Extensions on the Ball

  • Position stability ball under hips, place feet on the wall hips distance apart for stability, place finger tips on back of head with elbows pointing out, bend forward from hips so that the top of your head is facing the floor
  • Contract abdominals and lift upper body up until body is in a straight line from heals to head, slowing lower upper body back down to starting positions
  • Continue until all reps are complete

Roll & Crunch

  • Lie face up on mat with heels hip distance apart on top of stability ball & fingertips on back of head with elbows back and pointed to the side
  • Contract abdominal muscles, flatten low back, keep neck and chin in a neutral position
  • Exhale & simultaneously lift shoulders up as high as you can shortening the torso while rolling the stability ball toward your body
  • Slowly lower back down keeping shoulders off the mat while rolling the ball back to starting position
  • Continue rolling the ball & crunching until all reps are complete

Crunches w/ feet on the Ball

  • Lie face up on mat with feet on a stability ball knees bent & fingertips on back of head with elbows back and pointed to the side
  • Contract abdominal muscles, flatten low back, keep neck and chin in a neutral position
  • Exhale & slowly lift shoulders up as high as you can shortening the torso then slowly lower back down keeping shoulders off the mat
  • Continue until all reps are complete

Oblique Crunch w/ foot on the Ball

  • Lie face up on mat, left heel resting on a stability ball with left knee bent to 90 degrees and right leg extended straight up toward the ceiling
  • Contract abdominal muscles, flatten low back, keep neck and chin in a neutral position, exhale & slowly lift shoulders off the mat while twisting left shoulder toward right leg slowly lower back down
  • Continue lifting and twisting torso to the right until all reps are complete
  • Switch sides and complete same number of reps

Leg Lifts

  • Lie on back, hold a stability ball between ankles & extend legs up toward the ceiling, keeping back flat on the floor, abdominals tight & feet hips distance apart, lower legs as far down as possible without touching the floor or until lower back comes off the floor
  • Exhale and raise legs back to starting position
  • Continue until all reps are complete